Nature Therapies
Nature Therapies
A balanced and strong constitution is the key to robust health. Maximize your vitality and healing potential with natural therapies including nutrition, botanicals, constitutional hydrotherapy, and homeopathy.
Each and every one of us has an individual constitution of health. Given that, we all have weaknesses and tendencies towards specific conditions and disease. Thankfully, there are natural therapies and remedies that help to heal not only our symptoms, but our constitution as a whole. Here at Purety Family Medical Clinic, we hold firmly to the belief that the whole body must be considered and supported when treating any one condition.
Nutrition is the fundamental of our practice. It is used on a daily basis as a preventive measure, but is also a key tool to use therapeutically. We utilize food primarily in assessing and treating all conditions since we have seen its miraculous effects in doing so. We work with the needs of the individual and we focus on high quality, nutrient dense and healing foods. Our daily diet should be a source of healing and happiness.
Botanical medicine has been utilized over millennia to successfully treat a wide range of acute and chronic conditions. Over this time, we have learned how to optimize the effectiveness of plant medicines according to the right dose, species of plant, and manner of extraction. We also take care to only work with plants from sustainable growers who test all plant material for purity from toxicants. Today, 40% of prescription drugs come from, or are synthesized from plants. Unlike drugs, botanical medicines include the active constituent and a host of other molecules. Some of these are synergistic and can augment the medicinal effect, while others counteract or mitigate side effects. Botanical medicines are the very embodiment of the Vis Medicatrix Naturae, the healing power of nature. Their energetic qualities are particularly well defined in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda.
Hydrotherapy, the healing power of water. Hydrotherapy techniques use water and temperature to revitalize tissues and restore health. Heat soothes tissues and promotes blood flow to the area, cold brings blood flow away from the area and relieves congestion and inflammation. We are highly trained in the art of the traditional treatment that is called constitutional hydrotherapy – a type of contrast hydrotherapy. When hot and cold are used alternatingly, blood is pumped back and forth, bringing in oxygen and nutrients and shuttling out carbon dioxide and other metabolic waste products. This gentle therapy is deceivingly powerful, tonifying the cardiovascular system while restoring blood flow to tissues in need of healing. Hydrotherapy has been used for centuries to combat disease and restore health. When done properly, the system-wide reviving effects it produces makes it a useful therapy for both acute illness and chronic diseases.
Homeopathy is a gentle yet powerful treatment that is highly dependent on the trained practitioner. According to the U.S. 2007 National Health Interview Survey, nearly 5 million Americans used homeopathy in the previous year. As popular as homeopathy is in the U.S., its use in Great Britain, India, Brazil and other countries is far greater. Homeopathy is based on three principles: 1) The law of similars, a phenomenon first observed by Hippocrates; 2) The minimum dose, that sometimes includes ultra-dilute preparations; and 3) Individualized treatment, in which one patient’s experience of a condition takes precedence over the name of the disease. We have seen homeopathic medicine be an excellent addition and necessity to a patient’s healing path.
We look forward to hearing from you. Please call us at (805) 618-1626