Xymogen Probiotics
Probiotics are essential for maintaining a balanced microbiome. Yet, most bacteria and yeasts are considered to be harmful to overall health. While some can be detrimental to bodily functions and the balance of your microbiome, certain bacteria and yeasts can actually be wildly beneficial. Depending on necessity—and recommendations made by a holistic medical professional—a probiotic supplement may be exactly what you have been looking for!
Xymogen is an elite practitioner-only supplement company which provides some of our favorite probiotics, including Probiomax 350 DF, Probiomax Plus DF, Saccharomycin DF, Probiomax SB DF, Prebiomax, and Probio Defense.
Probiotics serve integral roles in major bodily functions. These bacteria offer a wide array of benefits to one’s overall health. However, before introducing a probiotic supplement to your diet, there are a few key things to know. Understanding your microbiome and the roles that good bacteria play within your body are key to choosing the right probiotic supplement.
By understanding probiotics, your microbiome, how probiotics work, the benefits probiotics offer, and their safety and effectiveness, you can determine whether or not a supplement is worth discussing with a holistic doctor.
What Are Probiotics?
Probiotics consist of a combination of live beneficial bacteria and yeasts that naturally occur within the human body. As previously mentioned, bacteria is typically perceived to be negative (as something that contributes to illnesses). However, the human body maintains two types of bacteria constantly: good and bad bacteria. Probiotics are made of healthy bacteria that serve vital roles within the human body. Good bacteria is known to help fight off bad bacteria in large amounts and restore balance to your microbiome.
It should be noted that probiotics make up a larger picture in regards to your microbiome. A microbiome is a diverse and extensive community of living organisms that work together to keep the human body functioning as it should. Your microbiome consists of trillions of microbes, which are a combination of bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and even viruses. Everyone's microbiome is unique to them; not even twins share the same microbial cells!
In order for a microbe to be considered a probiotic, it must maintain a few key characteristics. These characteristics include being safe to consume, having a proven benefit, surviving in the intestine, and being able to survive separate from the human body. These suitable probiotics are most often found in parts of the body that often come into direct contact with the outside world and its elements. Although probiotics are most commonly found in the gut, they are also hosted in the mouth, lungs, skin, urinary tract, and genitals.
How Do Probiotics Work?
The main function of probiotics is to maintain a healthy and balanced microbiome. This is best thought of as keeping the body in neutral. When people get sick, bad bacteria enter the body and begin to manifest and multiply. This knocks the balance of the microbiome out of balance. Good bacteria serve to fight off bad bacteria and restore the microbiome to a balanced and healthy state.
Probiotic Functions
Good bacteria is known to keep people healthy by supporting overall immune function, while also controlling inflammation. Some forms of good bacteria have also been found to serve a number of other functions. These functions include helping the body digest food, creating vitamins, breaking down and absorbing medications, and supporting the cells that line the gut—to prevent bad bacteria from entering the bloodstream.
Probiotics Occur Naturally
Probiotics, and the balancing act that they ensure, occur within the body naturally and constantly. Good bacteria are simply a natural part of the human body. However, while people don’t require probiotic supplements to foster good bacteria, some people can benefit immensely from a probiotic supplement—like Xymogen Probiotics.
Are Probiotics Effective?
The main types of probiotics often found in supplements like Xymogen Probiotics include lactobacillus, bifidobacterium, and a common yeast known as saccharomyces boulardii. Many research studies have found these probiotics to have positive health benefits. As mentioned earlier, probiotics help the body digest food, create vitamins, break down and absorb medications, and support the cells that line the gut. All of this occurs while probiotics (good bacteria) maintain a balanced microbiome. In short, probiotics have been found in some instances to be extremely effective. In fact, for some people, probiotics can help address specific health conditions.
What Are the Benefits of Probiotics?
Probiotics offer a wide variety of benefits due to their nature as good bacteria. There are certain medical conditions that probiotics have been found to help alleviate. However, this has been known to vary from person to person, given that no two microbiomes are exactly alike. Benefits can also vary based on the probiotic. Some conditions that may be helped through the introduction of probiotic supplements to a daily diet include constipation, diarrhea, eczema, gum disease, IBD, and IBS. Other conditions that can benefit from probiotics also include lactose intolerance, sepsis, urinary tract infections, and yeast infections. Ultimately, probiotics bear a variety of benefits.
However, in order to see these benefits, the probiotic that you take must mesh well with your microbiome. This is why it is always important to consult with a holistic medical professional before introducing a probiotic supplement like Xymogen Probiotics into your diet, regardless of how beneficial it is.
Xymogen Probiotic Supplements
Xymogen Probiotics include all of the aforementioned beneficial bacteria that support a healthy body. Xymogen Probiotics can help foster balanced microflora and intestinal health, while improving nutrient absorption and balancing the microbiome.
Xymogen is a family-owned health sciences company that has been creating innovative dietary supplements for over 25 years. Their core value is to help people achieve better health.
Should I Be Taking a Probiotic?
While probiotics like Xymogen Probiotics have been proven to be beneficial in most cases, you should always consult with a medical professional before implementing any supplements to your diet. Purety Family Medical Clinic is a family-owned and operated clinic that specializes in practicing effective holistic medicine. Our end goal is to cure your entire body, not just its maladies. For more information about probiotics or Xymogen, contact us today! We look forward to hearing from you and assisting you in achieving peak physical health!