Xymogen PanXyme pH for Healthy Digestion | Puretyclinic.com
Digestive issues like gas, bloating, and indigestion affect millions of people. Poor digestion prevents the body from properly breaking down food and absorbing vital nutrients. A natural digestive enzyme supplement like PanXyme pH can provide relief by optimizing the digestion process.
We have been working with Xymogen for the past decade and have been extremely impressed with their products. If you are looking to purchase PanXyme pH right away, with full product catalogs and exclusive patient perks, head over to NaturalDoctorTips.com for instant access.
Xymogen PanXyme pH
How Do Digestive Enzymes Work?
Digestive enzymes are proteins that break down larger molecules like fats, proteins, and carbs into smaller molecules that can be absorbed by the intestines. They are produced and released in different sections of the gastrointestinal tract to target specific types of food compounds.
The pancreas produces enzymes like lipase to digest fats, amylase to break down carbs and starches, and proteases like trypsin and chymotrypsin to digest proteins into amino acids. The mucosal lining of the small intestine also produces peptidases to further break down peptides into amino acids.
Without adequate digestive enzymes, undigested food particles can remain in the gut. This can potentially lead to gastrointestinal issues like diarrhea, constipation, gas, bloating, and stomach pain. Enzyme supplements provide extra support.
Xymogen PanXyme pH Features a Broad-Spectrum Enzyme Blend
PanXyme pH is a vegetarian, broad-spectrum digestive enzyme formula offered by Xymogen. It contains a blend of digestive enzymes derived from fungal sources to optimize the digestion of all major nutrient categories.
Key ingredients include:
Amylase - Breaks down carbohydrates and starches
Lipase - Splits dietary fats into fatty acids and glycerol
Peptidase - Breaks down peptides into amino acids
Cellulase - Converts insoluble fiber into soluble fiber
Lactase - Converts lactose into glucose and galactose
By providing well-rounded support for multiple digestive components, PanXyme pH takes strain off the pancreas and small intestine to enhance nutrient absorption.
PanXyme Enzymes Are Fungal-Derived
The digestive enzymes in PanXyme pH are produced via controlled fermentation processes using edible fungi. This includes species like Aspergillus niger and Rhizopus niveus.
Fungal species have a natural capacity to generate digestive enzymes. Fermentation allows for large-scale harvesting of these enzymes for use in supplements.
Aspergillus niger is a preferred fungus for commercial enzyme production. It secretes high amounts of enzymes like amylase and glucoamylase to break down starches.
Aspergillus niger
Using fungal enzymes makes PanXyme pH suitable for vegetarians. The fungal fermentation process also eliminates the risk of pathogenic contamination sometimes associated with animal-sourced enzymes.
PanXyme pH is Active Across a Broad pH Range
A key advantage of PanXyme pH is its broad pH stability compared to single-enzyme supplements. pH refers to the scale measuring the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. Enzymes are pH sensitive.
The human gastrointestinal tract has sections with vastly different pH levels. The mouth and stomach are highly acidic, while the small intestine is closer to neutral.
PanXyme pH contains a balanced ratio of acidic, neutral, and alkaline enzymes. This allows for multi-phase digestion over a pH range from 2-9. Clinical trials have confirmed its efficacy in both high and low pH environments.
Being functional across pH conditions allows PanXyme pH to provide support as food travels along each part of the digestive tract. This is unlike single-enzyme products that are only maximally active at certain pH levels.
Who Can Benefit from Taking PanXyme pH?
PanXyme pH can benefit those experiencing occasional heartburn, gas, bloating, diarrhea, or constipation. By enhancing the breakdown of carbs, fats, proteins, and fibers, it eases digestive discomfort.
PanXyme pH is also useful for individuals with:
Food sensitivities - Undigested proteins and carbs can trigger immune reactions. Improved digestion decreases this risk.
Gallbladder issues - Bile from the gallbladder aids fat digestion. PanXyme pH provides fat-splitting lipase enzymes to compensate for insufficient bile.
Pancreatic insufficiency - PanXyme supplies extra enzymes when the pancreas cannot produce enough on its own.
Small intestine damage - Blunted enzyme secretion can occur with damage to the intestinal mucosa from conditions like celiac disease.
Dosing Recommendations for PanXyme pH
The suggested dosage for PanXyme pH is 1-2 capsules with each meal. It is recommended to take enzymes during or immediately after the first bite of a meal.
For mild to moderate digestive issues, 1 capsule per meal is often sufficient. The full dosage of 2 capsules may provide added support for:
Large, high-fat, protein-rich meals
Individuals with bile insufficiency
Cases of severe indigestion
Chronic pancreatitis
Cystic fibrosis
PanXyme pH is safe to take with a wide range of medications. Always check with your healthcare provider before starting enzyme supplements if pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking prescription medications.
Tips for Improving Digestion with PanXyme pH
Here are some tips for using PanXyme pH to optimize digestion:
Take enzymes at the start of a meal or during the meal rather than hours before or after eating. This allows the enzymes to mix with food for better breakdown.
Chew food thoroughly to increase the surface area exposed to enzyme action.
Avoid drinking large quantities of fluid during meals, which can dilute stomach acid and enzymes.
Reduce intake of enzyme inhibitors like coffee, tea, and alcohol around mealtimes.
Increase soluble fiber intake from fruits, veggies, beans, and oats to feed gut bacteria.
Give PanXyme pH 2-3 weeks to work before assessing benefits. Enzyme supplements build up over time.
Safety and Side Effects
PanXyme pH is very safe when used as directed. Taking too high of a dose can lead to mild gastrointestinal upset. Start with a low dose and increase slowly to find the optimal amount.
Due to the fungal fermentation process, PanXyme pH should not be used by individuals with sensitivities or allergies to mold, yeast, or fungi. It also contains the milk-derived enzyme lactase.
Rarely, digestive enzymes may cause throat irritation or coughing. Discontinue use if any negative reactions occur. Be sure to notify your doctor about any enzyme supplements or digestive aids you are taking.
The Bottom Line on PanXyme pH
PanXyme pH is a high-quality broad-spectrum enzyme formula that enhances digestion across the entire gastrointestinal tract. It efficiently breaks down all major food components thanks to its balanced profile of carbohydrases, lipases, and proteases.
Sourced from edible fungal fermentation, PanXyme pH demonstrates pH stability and synergy. This allows it to function optimally as food transits through the varying acidity levels of the digestive system.
By easing gastrointestinal discomfort and improving nutrient absorption, PanXyme pH can significantly benefit digestion. It provides real relief for those struggling with enzyme insufficiency, food sensitivities, gallbladder issues, and chronic digestive problems.
Ready to experience the amazing benefits of PanXyme pH? Visit NaturalDoctorTips.com now to get your hands on this incredible supplement with exclusive patient perks.