What is Vitamin E Good For

What Is Vitamin E Good For?

Vitamin E is a powerful nutrient crucial to the proper function of various organs in the human body. It is a fat-soluble antioxidant that protects the body from oxidative stress. In other words, it helps to neutralize those pesky free radicals that weaken and break down healthy cells. Oxidative stress is at the root of many common diseases and health conditions, and is linked to premature aging. Vitamin E is also a key element in strong immunity and healthy skin and eyes. 

Where Do We Find It?

Vitamin E can be found in plant-based oils, nuts, seeds, tropical fruits, and leafy vegetables. Because of its prevalence in many common foods we consume, Vitamin E deficiency is rare. It is usually found in people with digestive disorders, mostly those who suffer from malabsorption, a condition where fat is not absorbed properly. Malabsorption is associated with the following:

  • celiac disease

  • Crohn’s disease

  • Cystic Fibrosis

  • Chronic pancreatitis

  • Lactase deficiency

  • Lactose intolerance

  • Prolonged antibiotic use

  • A history of damage to the intestine from infection, inflammation, trauma, or surgery


While Vitamin E is present in a lot of foods we consume, it loses some of its efficacy when it is heated, namely boiled, so preparation is important to preserve the nutritional benefits. When prepared correctly, a lot of people get adequate amounts of Vitamin E through a healthy, balanced diet, but supplementation can provide many benefits for the right patient. 

Mixed Tocopherols by Unique E

An excellent and highly recommended supplement is Mixed Tocopherols by Unique E. This product is an all-natural, pure form of vitamin E concentrate and the company supplying it is held in high esteem. Mixed Tocopherols by Unique E is described as:


The concentrated formula provides the synergistic benefits of the complete Vitamin E tocopherol complex (d-alpha, d-beta, d-gamma and d-delta tocopherols) and delivers the highest biological activity by providing the optimum proportions of the complex in the body.


The health benefits this product provides is far reaching. Vitamin E plays a crucial role in cardiovascular health by:

  • Supporting the heart function

  • Facilitating healthy circulatory systems

  • Enhancing coronary blood flow

  • Protecting against the oxidation of important lipids in heart health

  • Helping to maintain healthy cholesterol levels

  • Helping to support healthy red blood cell flow.


It plays an important role in aging by:

  • Enhancing focus

  • assisting in memory function

  • Promoting healthy brain function in the elderly

  • Decreasing oxidative stress in older individuals.

  • Helping to maintain the integrity of cellular function

  • Enhancing immune function in the elderly

It is a large part of overall health and wellness by:

  • Promoting eye health

  • Supporting and promoting the immune system function

  • Helping to reduce pro-inflammatory molecules, including C-reactive protein.

  • Being applied as a topical to wounds and scars

Manage Chronic Conditions 

The anti-inflammatory properties of Vitamin E can help manage chronic health conditions like osteoarthritis and diabetes. It is linked to a reduction of oxidative stress in the body, which allows the immune system to function at a higher level. Vitamin E can be used as an effective strategy in symptom relief for these patients, and as a preventive care tool as well. Many experts agree that adding a tocopherols or a tocotrienols form of Vitamin E to a vitamin regimen can prove to be very beneficial to overall health and wellness.

Cancer Prevention and Treatment 

Vitamin E has also been studied as an effective agent in cancer prevention and cancer treatment. While studies have not produced sufficient evidence to date to support a significant link between Vitamin E and the prevention of certain cancers, it has shown promise in chemotherapy treatment. While initially, oncologists contended that antioxidant supplementation could interfere with the effectiveness of chemo, a 2018 study published in J Biophotonics showed that the presence of Vitamin E showed positive antioxidant activity, causing no hindrance in the efficacy of the drug. The research concluded that Vitamin E may prove beneficial to alleviate chemotherapy associated side effects in patients during clinical settings.

Alzheimer’s Care and Vitamin E

Vitamin E has also been shown to slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. A clinical study was published by the Journal of American Medicine Association on January 1, 2014 that studied the effects of a synthetic form of Vitamin E, called alpha-tocopherol, on Alzheimer’s. The findings indicated that patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease who received daily dosages of 2,000 IUs of Vitamin E, (compared to placebo), showed effectiveness in slowing functional decline and reducing caregiver time in assisting patients. While there is no evidence of Vitamin E improving cognitive function or preventing the progression of the disease, further studies show that it could notably slow the progression of functional decline. 

Skin and Eye Health 

There are also many Vitamin E benefits for skin and eye health. Since it fights oxidative stress, it can offer skin protection from environmental stressors, which are linked to the premature aging process. This vitamin is beneficial to eye health because it protects against free radicals that can damage healthy eye tissue, causing the formation of cataracts and macular degeneration. 

Can You Benefit From a Vitamin E Supplement?

The benefits of Vitamin E are promising in treating conditions and relieving symptoms of countless diseases, ailments, and maladies, and continue to play significant roles in many clinical studies. It is important to discuss the benefits/risks associated with supplemental Vitamin E, like tocopherols or tocotrienols, with a healthcare professional, as there are instances where side effects and medication contraindications have been reported.  


At Purety Family Medical Center, our core philosophy revolves around the body’s innate ability to heal itself through proper lifestyle and nature cure. There are times when the body needs extra help. On a daily and yearly basis we are always learning more locally and internationally to find you the best road to healing. Whether it be for vitamin education, application, or for another holistic, patient-centered service, we are here to help you get on a better path to overall health and wellness. 













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